I would definitely use this kind of task in my classroom as it is, in my opinion, a perfect activity for Engaged Learning (Kearsley & Schneiderman, 1999) . It involves students being creative, evaluating and problem solving. It is something that could be incorporated into the daily learning of students of all ages. These video's could be used to work alone, in pairs and groups. They can be used for all subjects from science to drama, the possibilities are endless. Having students create a project that is then displayed in a public forum on the web for their peers to see, may see students more motivated to produce their best standard of work, as it will be available for the world to see. It may also encourage students who have inhibitions regarding public speaking to overcome this, thus preparing and encouraging them to be life long learners. As future educators, it is in my opinion, our responsibility to establish a solid foundation for our students to grow on. By encouraging and refining skills that are necessary for our students to become life long learners, we are certainly on the right track.
I must say, as I am progressing through the activities outlined in this course, I am quickly finding that I may need to refine my skills on effectively searching these kinds of sites. I have never used about 90% of the ICT's listed in this course, and when I conduct my searches, I need to sift through a lot of irrelevant items to get to what I am after. But as I have stated before, this itself is a lesson, as I will now ensure that my students are well prepared and educated in effective researching when using the Internet.
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999) Engagement Theory: A framework for technology based teaching and learning. Retrieved July 4, 2009, from http://home.sprynet.com/~gkearsley/engage.htm
Student Science Experiment - Tea Bags. ( 2007, June 14). [Video]. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=2757&title=Student_Science_Experiment___Tea_Bags
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